Permanent Exhibits

Picture of Brad Joe

Ohoyo Hlampko Vhleha: The Influence of Matriarchs

In this temporary exhibit, artist Brad Joe honors Choctaw matriarchs and their contributions to Choctaw ways of life.

Bok Abaiya Hero image

Bok Abaiya – Practiced Hands and the Arts of Choctaw Basketry

This temporary exhibit displayed the work of generations of Choctaw basket weavers displayed alongside contemporary Choctaw art.

Keeping Our Heritage: Choctaw People, Life, and Animal Kinship

This temporary exhibit featured the works of registered Choctaw artist Carole Ayers.

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Chiefs, Clans, & Kin

This temporary exhibit featured 34 artists from the Five Civilized Tribes who have Irish, Scottish, and Welsh ancestry.

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Long Ago: Stories of the Choctaw People

This temporary exhibit demonstrated the importance and the artistry of oral storytelling. Long ago, stories were the main source of history keeping among the Choctaw people.